Actual conversation held via telephone with an actual library patron:
Me: Hello, *Library Patron, I'm returning your call regarding some fines you wished to discuss.
LP: Yes! Thank you for getting back to me. I heard you were just on maternity leave. Is today your first day back?
Me: Oh, yes...
LP: That's hard. It's hard, isn't it? Is this is your first? Or your second? Or third?
Me: Uh, my first...
LP: I have FIVE.
Me: Wow...
LP: Yes. That's why I'm talking to you on the phone. I was going to wait for you, I was waiting at the library for you to get back from lunch, but my son pooped his pants. You understand.
Me: Oh...okay. So, I'm looking at your record...
LP: Yes, I returned some items late. It's totally my fault, but I wanted to see if you could reduce some fines for me. Are you breastfeeding?
Me: (confused) Erm, yes.
LP: Do you need a double pump? I mean, you NEED one. Do you have one?
Me: (derailed) Uh... (unable to think on feet) I have one...
LP: Oh good. I know I returned that movie really late. I'm just hoping that you can do something for me. Are you doing your Kegels?
Me: ...........!?!?!??!!??!?!
LP: Because you really need to keep up with them. It's so important. (ernestly) I wish I had been more diligent about them. (intimately) You know what I mean.
*name has been changed to protect the over-sharer.
That's what I miss most about working in a public library, the complete and total surprise and randomness of the day's events and interactions.